About Pie Girl
How did it all begin? I grew up at the kitchen table always helping my mom with baking or cooking, although I’m sure I spent more time eating cookie dough than actually being helpful. (This may or may not still be true). I believe that throughout that window of time in my childhood, I was able to absorb all of the care and thought and tradition that went into our desserts and meals and I’ve carried that with me ever since. I may not have gone to culinary school, but I have taken bits and pieces of every food memory past and present and used them to learn, to grow, and to become who I am in the kitchen.
And who am I in the kitchen, you ask? Well, I’m Pie Girl now. I’m someone who knows the importance of using local and top-quality ingredients and how much of a difference that really makes in the final product. I’m someone who loves to stir up new flavor combinations and invent new pies on a whim, because as much as I love the traditions and memories that go hand in hand with pie, I also love to test the boundaries a little bit and throw in a twist every once in a while.
Who am I outside of the kitchen? I live in a small, historic town in Central Jersey ( yes, central NJ exists, and YES we do say “pork roll”) where I raise my two sons, Atlas and Mobius. I have often been known as an avid runner, having completed numerous half marathons, a few full, and even one ultra-marathon. I love reading, Summer weather, shopping for vintage dresses, and eating cheese. I’m hungry for life, in every sense of the word - always have been, and always will be.